
Numerology by date of birth

Numerology by date of birth

The result will be presented along with brief characteristics for each. Compare them in order of criteria. Favorability or tension of relationships...
Irkutsk College of Transport and Construction (ITTriS): address, specialties, reviews

Irkutsk College of Transport and Construction (ITTriS): address, specialties, reviews

The educational institution was founded in August 2011 in the process of reorganization through the merger of two institutions of primary vocational education - Vocational School No....
Resources for developing business plans online

Resources for developing business plans online

October 20, 2012 at 16:27 Bob Dorf: How to work on a startup Blog of the company “Startup Academy” Translation Bob Dorf is a famous entrepreneur (he brought 8 companies to IPO),...
Cabbage for the winter: salt, ferment, marinate

Cabbage for the winter: salt, ferment, marinate

There are many recipes, and one of them is pickling cabbage in jars with brine. Let's start with choosing cabbage. It is best to use mid-late varieties of cabbage for pickling...
What race are the Australian Aborigines?

What race are the Australian Aborigines?

Samples of Aboriginal Handicraft Nowadays, most Aboriginal people rely on government and other charity. Traditional methods of livelihood (hunting,...
Incomparable recipe for Easter cake with kefir Easter cake with kefir and milk

Incomparable recipe for Easter cake with kefir Easter cake with kefir and milk

Once a year, the entire Orthodox part of humanity prepares for the brightest and most important holiday of Christians, Easter. Of course, the main concern, after the longest...
Why see a road in a dream or walk along it?

Why see a road in a dream or walk along it?

The road is a very symbolic image that personifies prospects, the chosen direction of movement, and obstacles along the way. If you dream that you are driving along a rutted...
On the management of counter-propaganda in the army and navy Counter-propaganda in working with military personnel

On the management of counter-propaganda in the army and navy Counter-propaganda in working with military personnel

2.2. Counter-propaganda as a psychological means of strengthening and neutralizing the information and propaganda impact Counter-propaganda and propaganda are also closely related...