Compatibility Capricorn and Sagittarius on the good side. Sagittarius and Capricorn: compatibility of a man and a woman in love and marriage, friendship and work

This union, like any other union of fiery and earthy signs, requires some effort on the part of both partners. Sagittarius and Capricorn Sign Compatibility determines the complexity in the relationship, however, if mutual understanding is reached, their cooperation in any area will be productive. The role of a mentor in such a tandem will be performed by the tireless and purposeful Capricorn. He will paternally direct the partner’s thoughts and actions in the right direction, not at all embarrassed by his unpredictability. Sagittarius is impressed by the stability that this relationship gives, and he adapts to Capricorn with his inherent ease.

When the partners manage to resolve the disputes and disagreements that arose at first, they understand that they can give each other something that everyone badly needs. Sagittarius is an innovator who opens the door to everything new. He can set the tone for joint activities and determine the level that Capricorn will certainly reach thanks to his perseverance and work. Sagittarius is always one step ahead of progress, he knows what, where and how exactly it happens, but he himself does not have sufficient constancy and willpower to bring ideas to the end. But it will perfectly act as an ideological inspirer, in return for receiving a brilliant execution of the plan.

The compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn is characterized by a rather slow development of relations. They do not rush into the pool with their heads, looking at each other with doubt. But having thoroughly studied what the nature of the satellite is, Sagittarius and Capricorn with a calm soul begin to build a joint bright future.

Capricorn will have a hard time in a relationship with the fickle and explosive Sagittarius. The latter will hardly endure the tediousness and formalism of the partner. In the joint life of these signs, there will always be a struggle due to differences in views on both the material sphere and the spiritual. On the other hand, the compatibility of the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn will allow them to perfectly complement each other's skills. Capricorn will build a solid foundation for both of them, and Sagittarius will fill the house with fun and amazing optimism.

Sexual Compatibility Sagittarius and Capricorn

In the bedroom, it is difficult for partners to understand each other. Capricorn is cold and conservative, and Sagittarius is hot and expresses his feelings with great expression. It is difficult for them to satisfy each other's desires, and such relationships devastate and tire both partners. The sexual compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn leaves much to be desired.

Compatibility: Sagittarius man - Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman is modest and calm. Her restraint in the manifestation of emotions appeals to Sagittarius. He can be sure that she treats him with respect, and also that she is soft, obedient and very feminine. However, not everything is so simple in this duet.

The compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn in this ratio clearly proves that the partners cannot fully feel what the nature of the chosen one is. After all, Lady Capricorn actually has a hard inner core that allows her not to stray from her intended path. But outwardly it seems that she does not set herself any global goals. She will never interrupt her Sagittarius man when he talks about his incredible ideas. However, this does not mean at all that this earthly woman will silently follow her beloved. On the contrary, by an invisible force, she will turn his energy into a peaceful channel, choosing the direction in which they should move. The main thing is that her patience does not run out when she tries to dissuade her partner tactfully enough from another trip to the Far North or Africa.

Compatibility: Sagittarius woman - Capricorn man

A Capricorn man for his companion may seem like the epitome of an ideal. It carries a sense of peace and stability.

Indeed, the Sagittarius lady next to such a person will stand firmly on her feet, if only this expression can be applied to a fiery woman. He is gallant, and he is impressed by a charming girl who wants to be protected and taken under guardianship. However, the union of these signs carries quite a lot of difficulties.

The Sagittarius woman, with her incredibly explosive nature, is able to bring chaos into the life of her chosen one, violating the usual way of life of this conservative. He tends to do everything thoroughly, and is true to his obligations. For such a man, the family is of great importance, which he is ready to support in any difficult situations. The Sagittarius woman will be beside herself when she learns that her lover is again going to spend the whole weekend with her parents, helping them with repairs. Most likely, she will not be ashamed of rather harsh expressions against Capricorn and all his relatives. The consequences will be the saddest, and it is for Capricorn. He will not bear the pressure and will give up the fortified positions with such difficulty. Therefore, a woman born under the sign of Sagittarius, who wants to receive stability and support in the face of Capricorn, should be more tactful and attentive to her partner's feelings. Perhaps then they will be able to save the relationship.

Sagittarius and Capricorn Business Compatibility

These people need some sort of commitment to bind them together. Then they will be able to reach good heights in their careers. Under the pressure of circumstances, Sagittarius becomes calmer, and Capricorn will be more tolerant of his emotional antics. Then the first will be able to identify territories for future conquests, and the second will make every effort to achieve what was planned. At the same time, inexhaustible optimism and the endless energy of a partner will help him.

Sagittarius and Capricorn can make a good couple in any relationship. Representatives of these constellations hold opposite views on the world, but it is precisely because of this that they perfectly complement each other. In this union, Capricorn spiritually opens up, becomes more sociable and open to communication. Sagittarius, on the other hand, learns restraint and practicality from the stalls.

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In a love relationship, they do not immediately reach mutual understanding, but with a mutual desire for harmony, both are ready to compromise. Over time, these partners find common interests and spend fun together.

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    General characteristics of relations

    Dates of birth

    The love horoscope of these zodiac signs indicates the incompatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn. But astrologers noted that the chances for a happy future in such a union are quite high. The development of relationships is more dependent on the behavior of Capricorn. It is difficult to get along with a representative of this constellation if he is not set up to work productively on himself.

    These signs have common features that often repel people from them:

    • criticality;
    • straightness;
    • sharpness.

    These partners do not flatter each other, but openly speak out about the shortcomings they have noticed. If Sagittarius does not like the instructive notations of Capricorn, he will easily call him a bore, without trying to smooth the wording. In response, he will hear fair criticism addressed to him. However, it is precisely this honesty that they value in people, although at the initial stage of relations, rigidity in communication can separate them in different directions.

    Differences in many issues they have due to the management of different elements. The constellation Sagittarius is in the power of fire, and Capricorn is subject to the earth. Therefore, when one is ignited by some idea, the second considers it skeptically from a rational point of view. The representative of the earth element carefully considers each action, plans steps and calculates possible outcomes. Sagittarius is characterized by impulsive impulses. He first does, and then thinks, for which he constantly receives scolding from a partner.

    In this union, Capricorn acts as an angry mentor, and the fire sign behaves infantile and constantly tries to bring the chosen one to emotions. Over time, the representative of the earth element finds charm in the carefree behavior of Sagittarius and sometimes allows himself to relax. However, Capricorn cannot completely get rid of gloom and pessimism. He always thinks about the future, unlike a partner who prefers to live one day and solve problems as they come.

    Problems and ways to solve them

    Sagittarius does not hold back his feelings. From the very beginning of the relationship, he splashes out a lot of emotions on the closed Capricorn, scaring him away with such behavior. Sagittarius loves bodily contact and does not hide passion. If he is overwhelmed by feelings, he kisses and hugs Capricorn in public, while the latter categorically rejects such behavior. He is conservative, therefore he believes that it is indecent to show emotions in public. However, even after several warnings, Sagittarius continues his tactics. Capricorn can only come to terms with such behavior.

    Joint leisure becomes a big problem in this union. The restless Sagittarius does not like to stay at home, he is attracted by cheerful companies and extreme entertainment. Capricorn, on the other hand, prefers to spend his free time usefully, he likes:

    • to fish;
    • pick mushrooms and berries;
    • handicraft and craft.

    The windy Sagittarius is unlikely to be able to captivate the representative of the earth element with his activities, so the partners will have to seek a compromise. Capricorn is quite jealous, he does not let the chosen one walk alone, no one knows where, but allows him to receive guests. The best solution for this couple is spending leisure time at home. However, Sagittarius should not give up completely. A limited Capricorn sometimes needs to be pulled out to the public, otherwise he will completely close in his "shell".

    Harmony in this pair is possible only with a prudent desire to make concessions.

    Sagittarius should be patient and wait out the partner's long intractability. Capricorn knows how to appreciate what he has. He will definitely pay attention to the complaisance of the partner and will try to thank him in the future. Astrologers note that the earth sign is quite self-critical, he is well aware of all his shortcomings. If Sagittarius shows himself on the positive side, he will definitely be rewarded in this relationship.

    Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman

    The love horoscope indicates that the compatibility of the Sagittarius guy and the Capricorn girl as a percentage is 75%. The shy lady of the earth sign is instantly fascinated by the gallant courtship of the gentleman. Sagittarius knows how to win over women, he sincerely admires the chosen one and directly tells her about it. However, the chances of a successful development of relations largely depend on the intentions of the man. If he is counting on a short affair, then he will not succeed. The girl is serious and far-sighted, she will not agree to a fleeting romance.

    The guy of the fiery sign suits the Capricorn lady as a husband if she accepts him with all the shortcomings, because she will not be able to re-educate him.


    Sagittarius in love is romantic and sentimental. He fills the chosen one with flowers and gifts. If financial opportunities allow, then Sagittarius will definitely invite his beloved to expensive restaurants and take him to chic resorts, but most often this guy is not too rich. Even with small incomes, he tries to show his chosen one his generosity as much as possible.

    For Capricorn, such an attitude is important, this woman knows her own worth and welcomes attention, expressed in material investments. However, the practicality of the earth sign very soon makes itself felt. Receiving chic bouquets as a gift, the Capricorn girl estimates their cost in her mind and informs her lover that with this money she could have bought something more valuable. She also smoothly translates trips to restaurants into homemade dinners. With this cunning move, she “kills two birds with one stone” at the same time: she shows her culinary skills and saves money.

    If Sagittarius is not bored with such a pastime, he quickly realizes that he cannot find a better companion for life, and makes a marriage proposal to the lady. However, often at this stage, the guy sees in the behavior of the chosen one an encroachment on his freedom, and he does not like this. Sagittarius values ​​\u200b\u200bits independence, so a woman should be very careful to lure him into a family pool, otherwise he will simply run away.


    In a love relationship, the compatibility of this couple is much higher than in marriage. The Sagittarius man and the Capricorn woman have different attitudes towards the family. After marriage, nothing changes in a guy's life. He sincerely believes that the stamp in the passport is just a formality, and the main thing in a relationship is to live happily.

    Capricorn sees the family as something new. The woman is sure that after marriage, Sagittarius will become more serious and responsible, and when she realizes that this is not happening, she begins to “nag” her husband. She always has grounds for reproaches, but her husband very soon ceases to pay attention to nit-picking.

    Capricorn's requests spur Sagittarius to self-development and career advancement. This man is able to provide for his family. For the sake of his wife and children, he finds several types of income if the income from the main activity is insufficient. In domestic terms, these partners do not have disagreements. The Capricorn wife is a good housewife, but the Sagittarius husband is also excellent at doing household chores. They do not share duties, everyone does what is necessary, of their own free will.

    They have big disagreements before the holidays, when the spouses cannot agree on the place of the holiday. The wife seeks to make repairs or take her free time working in the country, while the husband dreams of seaside resorts, hiking in the forest or mountains. Most often, they spend holidays separately, but this allows them to relax from each other and get bored.

    A Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man are able to live a long life together. They get divorced quite rarely, and the reason is always the betrayal of her husband. If Sagittarius manages to hide his adventures on the side from his wife, the marriage develops successfully.


    For a Capricorn woman, intimate life is not the main thing, while Sagittarius considers sexual compatibility to be the most important component of a relationship. A man has to kindle passion in a partner for a long time, but most often he succeeds.

    If at first Capricorn behaves stiffly, then with the skillful approach of the chosen one, she quickly liberates herself. In sex with Sagittarius, she does not have to invent anything, the man is ready to do everything himself, so the lady relaxes and enjoys it. However, the nature of Capricorn does not allow a woman to remain in the role of a consumer, so she is actively involved in bed games, and in the end both remain satisfied.


    The Sagittarius man maintains friendly relations with many ladies, but his indefatigable sexuality always prevails over friendly motives. This guy flirts with every woman, so the Capricorn girl does not see him as a friend.

    If a friendly relationship arises between them, then this only means that both feel the desire to be in the same bed. Otherwise, the lady of the earthly constellation will not allow herself to communicate with this guy.


    You should not expect high performance from the joint work of a Sagittarius guy and a Capricorn woman. A lady takes work seriously, but for a man all life is a game. Sagittarius is able to perfectly develop some idea, but it is boring for him to translate it into reality. He immediately understands that routine work can be shifted to Capricorn, and he does it with joy.

    However, the lady of the earth sign cares for justice, therefore she expresses to her colleague everything that she thinks about his behavior. In the end, they just fight. The same thing happens with them when they try to organize a joint business. In business relations, everything goes well for them if they immediately agree that Sagittarius will generate ideas, and Capricorn will put them into practice.

    Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man

    In the love relationship of this couple, difficulties do not arise immediately. At first, the Sagittarius lady reaches out to a serious guy and shows herself on the positive side. But over time, her true nature manifests itself in all its glory, disappointing the man. Capricorn does not like to give up, so he continues the relationship with the chosen one, despite her shortcomings. However, the partners have disagreements that cannot be resolved by peace.

    The man of the earth element is quite despotic, he demands submission from the lady, but Sagittarius fiercely resists. She does not like it when someone leads her, and besides, she tries to take a leading position in a pair. If in the end they do not come to equality, then they part.

    The compatibility of a man and a woman in this union barely reaches 60%. But if you want to compromise, they are able to make a good couple.


    Most often, the initiator of the relationship here is a woman. The Sagittarius girl is drawn to strong and self-confident men, and Capricorn is seen by her as an ideal life partner. If a guy reciprocates her feelings, then he seizes the initiative in his own hands. He does not like to talk about relationships, Capricorn shows his feelings with actions. This guy will always meet and see the chosen one, help her in any business, surround her with care and attention. Next to him, a woman feels confident, she does not have to doubt the reliability of her partner.

    There is no particular romance in this novel. A Capricorn man is unlikely to sing a serenade under the windows of his beloved, but he will definitely give her mean compliments and bouquets of sweets. This guy does everything according to the rules, he thoroughly cares for the chosen one. Even if he madly wants to quickly throw a marriage bridle on her, he patiently endures the deadlines set for the novel.

    Sagittarius should not expect marriage proposals from him earlier than six months later. But if a guy meets with her regularly for several months, we can safely say that he is purposefully moving towards marriage. The love of this couple cannot be called bright and passionate, but if a woman of the fiery sign intends to start a family with Capricorn, she will be able to kindle a fire in him. The ice in the soul of a guy melts from the caresses of a mischievous Sagittarius girl. She, like no one else, is able to stir him up and open up new horizons of sensuality and tenderness for him.


    In family life, the Capricorn man behaves quite harshly. He immediately establishes clear rules that must be strictly followed by all members of his family. If the Sagittarius wife ignores his decrees, he says goodbye to her very soon. In this family, the husband will always be at the head. Even if from the outside it seems that equality reigns between the spouses, the last word always remains with the man.

    The lady of the fire sign can live happily ever after with Capricorn, if she at least pretends to be submissive. The fact is that it is important for Capricorn to be respected and agreed with him, but he does not look deep into the relationship. They can be easily controlled if not done in the open. Capricorn is important home comfort and comfort. Sagittarius just needs to provide the spouse with delicious food, clean clothes and order in the house, as he immediately rushes to fulfill all her desires.

    This is a simple and hardworking man, he responsibly treats the material support of the family, placing this responsibility on himself. Capricorn does not require anything supernatural from his wife, but the Sagittarius woman in this marriage has to give up frequent meetings with friends and girlfriends. The husband believes that a married woman should stay at home and take care of children. He persistently limits the freedom of the chosen one. If Sagittarius cannot come to terms with the encroachment on her independence, then she divorces this man, because spouses cannot come to a compromise on this issue. The marriage union of these signs either becomes strong and durable, or breaks up in the first years of marriage.


    In bed, Capricorn behaves coldly, but thanks to the skills and efforts of a passionate girl, he gradually warms up. This man is conservative in sex, you should not expect diversity from him. But the Sagittarius woman is able to independently invent intimate games, and the guy of the earth element never refuses her tempting offers. Over time, they achieve complete harmony in bed.

    But Sagittarius should not consider Capricorn as a lover or a one-night stand. This guy reveals himself intimately only after he has established a trusting relationship with a woman. In other cases, he is only capable of quick and emotionless sex.


    Friendly couples of Capricorn men and Sagittarius women are rare, they do not see the point in such a relationship. Capricorn is sincerely sure that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, and the Sagittarius lady is not at all interested in spending time together with a tedious and boring, in her opinion, partner.

    If they communicate somewhere, then this is a necessary measure. After meetings with Capricorn, Sagittarius feels relieved and joyful that everything is finally over. And a man does not even attach importance to such contacts if he does not have sexual interest in this lady.


    The head-Capricorn and the subordinate-Sagittarius are able to work together perfectly. A woman of the fiery element works fruitfully under the competent guidance of a man. But if she gets the leadership position, then it is unlikely that the guy of the earth element will linger for a long time in the role of her subordinate. This man adheres to patriarchal views, he considers women's management to be overly emotional and illogical, therefore he criticizes all the decisions of the boss.

    As ordinary employees or in a joint business, they are able to work together, but the bulk of the duties will have to be performed by Capricorn. Lady Sagittarius is rather frivolous about work, so a man cannot rely on her in everything.

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The motto of Capricorns is discipline and order, which is not surprising, because this sign of the Zodiac is patronized by Saturn, the pets of Jupiter - Sagittarius, on the contrary - are impulsive and impatient. Capricorn and Sagittarius: compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem impossible, but let's take a closer look. After all, the stars have seen many more strange alliances.

The elements of Earth and Fire give these signs different character traits.

It is difficult to imagine a more serious lady than And although she has a great sense of humor, she rarely shows it to strangers. Despite the impregnable appearance of the daughter of Saturn, she always has a lot of admirers. And all because she has a sharp mind, aristocratic manners, royal posture and great taste. This earthly beauty is usually in no hurry to get married, preferring to make a career.

And having achieved career heights, the Capricorn woman does not grab the first person she meets. Her future husband should earn no less than she does. And besides - be smart, decent and accurate. Despite such high demands, the daughter of Saturn marries quite successfully and pleases her husband with her skills throughout her life together.

He does not always have the appearance of a hero-lover from a movie, but at the same time he has more than enough fans. In this he is helped by a wonderful sense of humor, natural optimism and cheerfulness, as well as an easy and not harmful character. The lack of a sharp analytical mind replaces resourcefulness for the son of Jupiter, and a penchant for adventure helps not to get bored even in gray everyday life.

This fiery man is very amorous, and he has a big heart, where there is enough space for everyone. He does not separate women by appearance, he is more interested in different cultures and places of residence of beauties. The Sagittarius man loves to travel and starts numerous novels while traveling. He usually marries more than once. But the stars do not know a single woman who would remain offended by Sagittarius.


The Capricorn woman is very constant in her habits. She rests every year in the same place, likes to reread books and hardly takes off her favorite jeans. The Sagittarius man changes his habits every day. He loves to travel and discover new places of rest, he prefers the computer to books, and he does not pay any attention to his clothes at all.

But the son of Jupiter loves creativity and, in his free time from traveling, paints the walls of his apartment to make it more pleasant to be in it. For wall paint, he needs to go to a hardware store, where a Capricorn woman who loves repairs and design is already choosing a laminate for her living room. On this basis, they may well get to know each other, especially if the store consultant is poorly versed in wall painting. The daughter of Saturn will immediately come to the rescue.

And then you have to go see the result. Moreover, the Sagittarius man will definitely take the phone of such an informed lady.


The Sagittarius man would prefer that his date with the Capricorn woman take place in some exotic country, but the daughter of Saturn will clearly be against it. For her, the ideal date option is a modest dinner in a classical style or a classical music concert with a cup of coffee after. As a last resort, she could agree to a trip out of town.

In order not to frighten off the cautious Capricorn woman, the Sagittarius man will compromise and invite her to the Museum of Modern Painting and Art. He himself is very interested in the work of contemporary artists, and the daughter of Saturn is not indifferent to sculpture. Well, and that same cup of coffee in the end with a discussion of what he saw.


The Capricorn woman is wary of love. She is not amorous and often looks at a candidate for a lover for a long time. The Sagittarius man bursts into women's hearts with noise and just as easily gives his own in return. At first, he will also try to conquer the impregnable daughter of Saturn with a swoop. But for such an attack, the son of Jupiter chose the wrong object. Here, rather, a long siege of the fortress is needed.

Will the fiery man have enough patience, because this is not his strongest side? And will he be able to promise the Capricorn woman not to respond to the calls of his former girlfriends and others who want to fall into the arms of the Sagittarius man? If so, then perhaps he will receive the heart of his Snow Queen as a reward.


In general, one thing can be said for sure - it will not be boring.

There will be many difficulties in the compatibility of the Sagittarius man and the Capricorn woman. The incredible sociability and carelessness of the Sagittarius man will annoy the restrained and punctual Capricorn woman. And he, in turn, will be upset by the coldness and detachment of his beloved.

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn in a love relationship resembles a roller coaster - either love and harmony, or coldness and feelings. This couple may even break off their relationship more than once.

That Capricorn woman will put out the door of the fickle son of Jupiter and stop answering calls. Then a Sagittarius man can get carried away by a visiting beauty and follow her to her homeland, forgetting to call the daughter of Saturn.


It is difficult to say whether the Capricorn woman and the Sagittarius man will ever reach the registry office. But if this is destined to happen, then most likely thanks to the patience and wisdom of the daughter of Saturn. She will turn a blind eye to some of the kookies of her versatile husband, and the son of Jupiter, with his good nature and easy cheerful character, will be able to improve the atmosphere in their common home. In addition, a child-loving Sagittarius man will never leave his children.

So all women who claim the heart of a married Sagittarius should think carefully before flirting with him - the matter will not go further than this.


The cheerful naughty Sagittarius will try to play a trick on the baby Capricorn, but in return he will receive only a stern look. This might discourage anyone, but not this natural optimist. In school years, only the Capricorn girl will know where her eccentric friend is, who is already being sought by the Ministry of Emergencies. The youth of both will pass in student companies, and in adulthood, the restless male Sagittarius will find his school friend Capricorn and will constantly annoy her family with his unexpected appearances.


If a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man organize a joint business, then this company needs to be looked at both ways. The unexpected projects of the son of Jupiter in various fields will be supported by a stable financial base and analytics from the daughter of Saturn.

This company will be one of the first to enter the international market, thanks to the connections of the Sagittarius man. And thanks to a clear plan developed by the Capricorn woman, the promotion of the company will be swift. This couple works well in the field of international relations, higher education, tourism and Internet technologies.

Capricorn Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

The portrait of a medieval knight is quite consistent with Severe and laconic, decent and responsible. Yes, and a sense of duty for this earthly man is not an empty phrase. It would seem that a queue of beautiful ladies should have been standing at its doors for a long time. However, the son of Saturn can justify the title of knight here too - he chooses only one lady for himself and gives her his heart forever. The rest of the women can only sigh, looking at this interesting representative of the earthly element. Hardworking and hardy, economic and handicraft - his wife can really be envied.

Cheerful and open, loves world peace and travel. She feels at home everywhere, and natural friendliness allows her to join any team in a matter of hours. Some consider this daughter of Jupiter to be frivolous, but this is not so. She just tries to take life easy and not get hung up on troubles. This quality undoubtedly helps a fiery woman in her personal life.

She easily falls in love, and after the break she does not suffer for a long time. Men adore her for her always good mood and non-conflict. In marriage, she will be a good housewife and a cheerful life partner. But you should not expect complex dishes or carefully ironed socks from the daughter of Jupiter - this is not the main thing in family life, in her opinion.


The Capricorn man is not the most sociable representative of the Zodiac, and the Sagittarius woman is his complete opposite in this matter - she cannot live without communication. And they rest in different places, and work, most likely, too. Only a chance, according to the stars, can help the fiery-earthly pair meet.

The Sagittarius woman is always running somewhere and always losing something. And the Capricorn man is never in a hurry and is very attentive to details. Therefore, it is the Son of Saturn who will find the accidentally lost mobile phone of the daughter of Jupiter. An earthly man is very honest and persistent. Therefore, by calling the contacts of the found gadget, he will still find his mistress. The polite and sociable Lady of Fire will undoubtedly offer a reward that Capricorn will refuse. But not from meeting her personally in some cafe.


The date of this fiery-earth couple can be repeatedly transferred, which the Capricorn man will not like very much. However, the impulsive nature of the Sagittarius woman, plus her forgetfulness, does not always allow this lady to follow her plans.

When, finally, they meet, then all the insults on the part of the son of Saturn will be forgotten. Indeed, it is simply impossible to be offended by this daughter of Jupiter for a long time, so much she disposes to herself with her spontaneity and sincerity. Therefore, the matter will not be limited to one meeting.


Such a word as love is not included in the daily vocabulary of the Capricorn man. He thinks about it very rarely, and even less often talks about it. But for a Sagittarius woman, this word is very popular. She uses it very often and not only in relation to men, this daughter of Jupiter loves the whole world!

The Capricorn man does not give his heart right away, he needs time to check his feelings. And what, then, should a Sagittarius woman do, in whose heart love lights up like an electric light bulb almost at first sight?

It is good that this lady is an optimist and believes in the compatibility of Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman in love. In fact, everything could be just that, unless Jupiter's daughter falls in love with someone else during the waiting period.


How to combine the love of changing places of the Sagittarius woman and the heavy-lifting Capricorn man? Or the inhospitable hermit son of Saturn and the eternal crowds of people visiting the daughter of Jupiter? Where can I find a recipe for a cloudless relationship for this fiery-earth couple?

One hope for the light and gentle nature of the Sagittarius woman. If she can accept the grumblings of her beloved Capricorn with her inherent humor, and in response to the cold silence of her beloved, smile and kiss him gently, then everything can still work out for them.


Marriage vows for the Capricorn man are sacred, but the Sagittarius woman does not take it so close to her heart. For her, the main thing is that everyone around is happy, and complicating life is not at all necessary. Despite such seemingly cardinal differences in life values, the family life of this couple may well be wonderful.

Over time, the Capricorn husband will get used to leaving uninvited guests to the country, and the Sagittarius wife will delight her economic spouse with the seeds of exotic plants brought from numerous travels. The children of this couple will see the world early, and just as early they will learn to work in their country house.


Baby Capricorn will immediately notice the energetic Sagittarius girl, but she will not remember him so soon - there are too many boys and girls around and you need to talk to everyone. But then she will appreciate his honesty, because for herself this is also very important since childhood. At school, the Sagittarius girl will often get into all sorts of troubles because of her absent-mindedness, and the Capricorn boy will only have to pull her out of them and support her friend.

In their youth, their paths may part, but not because the daughter of Jupiter will forget her friend. It's just that she's cosmopolitan and could very well end up somewhere in Australia. It is good that these fiery earthly friends are well versed in computers and have all the means of modern communication. Therefore, when they meet again in 20 years, both will have the feeling that they never parted.


A demanding and stubborn Capricorn man will lead his business to success through all obstacles. He is an excellent strategist and analyst, and his ability to understand the financial side of things and not waste money will keep his company afloat in any crisis.

The Sagittarius woman has a slightly adventurous nature and often gets involved in all sorts of non-standard projects. She has a creative mind, rich imagination and energy to implement all her ideas.

For the ideal implementation of the projects of this fire-earth couple, the best way out is to separate duties. The Capricorn man will sit in the office and be responsible for the finances of the company, as well as analyze its activities. Well, the Sagittarius woman will go on business trips around the world and negotiate with partners. In addition, also create ideas for unusual projects. The best areas for the application of their forces will be international relations, education, tourism and applied arts.

Capricorn and Sagittarius will always be able to agree, but no one wants to be the first to come to the negotiating table. These are wise and strong signs of the zodiac, which very often build successful couples. Their love is very peculiar, but no less strong for that. Astrologers advise such couples to control themselves, because each of them has a difficult character. A young girl and a guy, or an adult man and woman. Representatives of these signs face the same problems in relationships at any age. If you recognize yourself in one of these signs, and in the second - your partner, then be sure to take the advice of an astrologer seriously. They will help keep love for years to come.

When strong zodiac signs meet

They are very different. Capricorn will always be a step back, because he is very conservative, wise beyond his years, has his own opinion on any issue. Sagittarius is also not far behind, only he is always one step ahead, because the representatives of this sign love to be the first, innovators, inventors. This is a tough sign, like Capricorn, however. It seems that it is very easy to curb it, but this is only the first impression of a person. Capricorns have an unbending will, stubbornness, which even Taurus will envy. Their compatibility horoscope is based on mutual respect, love and understanding.

If these three components are present, no one can break such a pair.

In ordinary life or marriage, in bed or at the negotiating table, they must necessarily recognize each other as strong personalities. Do not be afraid to show flaws, do not hide dignity. Only in this way can a very successful union be built, which the Stars will bless. The compatibility of these zodiac signs is questioned, because there are very few cases when everything goes smoothly from beginning to end.

Sagittarius man, Capricorn woman

Capricorn will look in disbelief in the direction of Sagittarius. A man and a woman can pass by without looking back. And all because they belong to different worlds. But, all this does not mean that the Stars discourage you from building an alliance. Absolutely dumb. From this difference, very successful couples are obtained, which in love and marriage receive harmony. They are never bored, because everyone knows how to have fun in their own way. They do not get tired of each other, because they spend a lot of time apart.

For these signs of the zodiac there are no taboo topics, if they manage to find harmony, they will talk about anything at home. They are comfortable with each other when each respects the privacy of the other.

Unfortunately, there will never be complete unity between them, but the relationships that are being built are ideal for both. When compiling a relationship horoscope for such a bright couple, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of each partner. It is always worth a try, because the stars will never give up on anyone. Try it, your couple and her horoscope will be able to kill the sad statistics.

Love and marriage

In marriage, they must "get used" to each other. This process may take a long time. The Sagittarius man really wants activity, entertainment. He is trying to stir up the Capricorn woman, to get her out of the house, from her serious, wise thoughts. This is not easy to do, because she is already used to living like this. For her, all this is a novelty, which, in the end, can do its own thing. She also wants to go out to the party sometimes. For a man, this experience is also useful. He is accustomed to active entertainment, acquaintances and frivolous novels. The Capricorn woman will show him how people can live together without infringing on each other's rights. The horoscope of such a couple always says the same thing: give each other a place and time "for yourself." It is not tedious to "pull the cart sideways." If your beloved man or woman does not want something, strongly resists, just leave him / her, and go wherever you want. The second half will not be offended, but only wish you good luck from the bottom of your heart. If you want joint activity, it is worth making a big plan - the interests are very different, and it is not always possible to combine them. Speaking of them:

“Sagittarius: fell in love - achieved!

Capricorn: fell in love, and made you fall in love with yourself.

And you can’t argue, this is their whole ability to love.

Sexual forecast for a couple

In bed and carnal love with a Sagittarius, you always feel relaxed. For Capricorn, this is new, because she is not used to this. But, the passion and love of a partner will help her open up. She also knows how to feel, loves sex, ready for experiments. Her flame needs to be kindled, but this is the task of Sagittarius. A woman will be grateful to you for your patience and understanding, especially if you respect her sexual temperament and preferences. The sexual horoscope of this pair of zodiac signs develops successfully some time after the start of the relationship. The first time can be disappointing for both. A man will be afraid of the coldness of his partner, and a woman, on the contrary, of a too strong fire of passion. Over the years, the situation may change, because they will find how they like each other in bed. She will come out of her shell, and then she will surprise her partner with her hot temper. The horoscope of family life of this couple is strongly tied to sex.

The horoscope of family happiness is simple. Respect each other. It's easy, just get started:

  • don't insist when your partner says "no" to you;
  • let him or her go free-swimming for a while;
  • support and listen, even if it seems to you - this is complete nonsense.

So a couple of these zodiac signs will be able to say with confidence that their marriage was very successful.

Capricorn man, Sagittarius woman

He can attract her at first sight. Literally bewitch, because he is all so special, a little gloomy, but very unusual. This type attracts a Sagittarius woman. She has been in the clouds all her life, and then He appears - the male Capricorn. He may also be interested in her lust for life, youth at any age. She is a flower that blooms in his hands. The Capricorn man is ready to come to terms with the fact that his partner has no ground under his feet, but to love her with true love is rare. In love, this couple has little chance, but if it is, then no one will break the couple. There will be many mutual insults, misunderstandings, claims. A Sagittarius woman can become discouraged next to such a partner. She expected miracles from an unusual, wise man, and he calls her to watch an old historical film, drink tea and eat the most ordinary sweets. And the worst thing is that he understands exactly this by “watching a movie”, “drinking tea”. The relationship horoscope for this couple is always about the same: an interesting acquaintance, the development of events up to a certain point, the flight of one of the partners. Relationships can leave a bitter aftertaste of disappointment. Nobody lived up to expectations.

Love and marriage

If it happened, the marriage of these signs, then be prepared for the fact that Sagittarius and Capricorn will hide their compatibility from everyone. Something can only come from great love, against all odds. They can hide the relationship for a long time, do not invite anyone to the wedding. Here the passionate Sagittarius woman is ready to follow the lead of her beloved, if only he was happy. It is not easy to make him happy, you still have to suffer with this. There will be distance in marriage anyway. It is not easy for them to be together in the same room, because a contradiction is in the air. Repair can be a serious test for a couple. Both in repair and in life - Capricorn already has his own clear plan, and Sagittarius comes up with on the go, changes, re-sticks the wallpaper, outweighs the shelves. For Capricorn, this is wildness, and for a woman under the zodiac sign Sagittarius, this is the norm. This is how their strange love is built. Quarrels, reproaches are replaced by declarations of love, promises to improve. Both are ready to promise, but no one keeps their promises. Either put up with these relationships, or don't build them at all. Few signs are as different as Sagittarius and Capricorn. The horoscope of marriage is not always easy, but the appearance of children can smooth out sharp corners, and give the couple new horizons for development. Contrary to all opinions, good unions of these zodiac signs develop, but very rarely.

Sexual forecast for a couple

Sometimes sex for friendship becomes the first step to a relationship. The Sagittarius woman is crazy about Capricorn, she believes that he is unique in bed. He's really not bad, but he's very self-absorbed. For him, on the one hand, it is important that the partner feels there, and on the other hand, here he is the only one, inimitable. She, in turn, really wants to draw attention to herself. The Capricorn man will be pleasantly surprised by such diligence, he will appreciate your new linen every time, intricate fixtures and aromatic oils. He knows what all this is nonsense, but your attention is nice. There are two options - the end of friendship, the beginning of love, or the end of everything in general. For such poorly compatible zodiac signs, good sex can be a great cure for all problems in a marriage. There will be unity and real enjoyment of each other. Over time, if the couple endured, sex will be just great, sensual. This is worth striving for.

The love horoscope for these dissimilar zodiac signs is very weak. They need other partners for real, complete happiness. If two people met on the way, so different, then the future of the couple will depend only on the strength of their love. A man and a woman must understand that they cannot change each other. Just love him the way he is, just accept her with all the flaws and virtues. That's all. There can be no special advice from the stars here, only your personal feelings and desires will tell you whether the couple can exist or not. And yet - a lot of patience, tenderness and forgiveness. It is important to forgive your partner's mistakes, because he did not want to offend you at all. Simply, you are different - this can become the dignity of your couple.

Compatibility of Capricorn and Sagittarius is considered unfavorable. Astrologers characterize this type of union as envy under the guise of love. The fire and earth elements do not mix well with each other, so mutual understanding in a pair is unlikely to last long. Let's take a closer look.

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These people are very different, they have different interests, temperaments, characters. But, as they say, opposites attract, so sooner or later they end up together and fall in love with each other.

What is typical for the relationship of such a zodiac couple:

  1. Despite poor compatibility, their relationship can last for many years. The thing is that over time they become great friends and allies. This keeps them close to each other, even if the feelings end.
  2. But if they did not manage to make friends and become spiritually close people, the gap usually happens quickly enough. The restless Sagittarius, who seeks variety in everything, can get bored next to the stable Capricorn. The latter prefers a calm measured life, he "takes root" and rarely agrees to change his habitat. It is important for him to adhere to the established way of life.
  3. Initially, they converge on the fact that both strive for success, want a better life. They are in the eternal search for the ideal, which they discuss with each other. But they usually have different ways to achieve their goals. Sagittarius is given everything easily and quickly, he is used to going ahead. He thinks not about problems, but about solutions. Capricorn, on the other hand, prefers to slowly but surely move towards the goal, albeit with hard work.
  4. Capricorn sees in a partner a strong and bright, ambitious person who deserves respect. He wants to receive a charge of positive energy and inspiration. And he does, but only at the beginning.
  5. Gradually, they enter the path of long conflicts. Compromises are rarely made. Everyone will stand their ground and defend their own opinion with foam at the mouth, not wanting to hear a partner. Eternal competition and the struggle for leadership - this is ruining their relationship.
  6. Sagittarius is used to manipulating people, but his tricks do not work with Capricorn. He is condescending towards attempts to manage him, losing confidence in his partner and gradually becoming disappointed.
  7. Capricorn is trying to give advice to the chosen one, acting from the best of intentions. But he rarely listens to them, even if he understands that he is wrong.

To summarize: despite the fact that they may like each other a lot, relationships in most cases are doomed. The problem is the lack of desire to hear a partner and make compromises.

Causes of conflicts

If you have already fallen into such a union, you should try to restore harmony and peace in a couple. Perhaps then your future will be cloudless.

What is worth working on in a relationship Capricorn and Sagittarius:

  1. Capricorn wants Sagittarius to settle down, become more calm and family. But his companion is disgusted by the routine, he is constantly in search of new experiences. Because of this, they often quarrel.
  2. Therefore, Sagittarius should be at home more often, and Capricorn should sometimes let go of a partner to spend time in noisy companies, without being jealous or making scandals. Then there is a chance to maintain a favorable atmosphere in a couple.
  3. Capricorn should also learn to bring Sagittarius to emotions. And not only positive ones. It is the contrast of feelings that will not let the flame of their passion die out. If the relationship is too calm, the lively and bright Sagittarius will get bored and start looking for impressions on the side.
  4. Partners have a different concept of love. For Sagittarius, this is an opportunity to receive new emotions, for his partner - stability and reliability. For this reason, they often do not understand each other, giving in a relationship not what the chosen one needs.
  5. Capricorn can go too far in their attempts to control a lover. He will try to limit the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius, which is detrimental to relationships. He should ease the pressure if he does not want to lose the chosen one.
  6. Both signs are quite selfish in nature. They should learn to meet each other halfway, seek and find compromises. Then there is a chance that everything will develop as safely as possible.
  7. It often seems to Sagittarius that the partner rejoices in his failures, giving out criticism and condemnation. In fact, Capricorn pursues only good goals - he wants to teach the chosen one and set him on the right path.

Their relationship will become happy only if both moderate their egoism and go towards the wishes of their partner.

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