How to dry a girl at home on your own. How to bewitch a girl on your own: the main secrets of love magic

Using practical white magic, you can independently arouse attraction to yourself in the girl you like, awaken love in her. Unlike black magic, these rituals are safe for all participants, do not cause harm and violence, do not cause magical rollback and reverse impact. You can carry them out at home with the help of all available ingredients. Not everything can always work out the first time, but with due perseverance, thanks to witchcraft, attraction will first arise, and then true love.

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    Features of white magic

    The peculiarity of love rituals in white magic, in contrast to black magic, is that the emphasis is mainly on attracting attention and the emergence of sympathy. Dark rituals, on the other hand, imply a rigid binding, when the bewitched suffers, being not near the one to whom they have bewitched. As a result, the victim's psyche is destroyed, and the bewitcher receives karmic punishment. The impact with the help of white magic passes without negative consequences.

      White magic does not destroy the psyche of the one to whom it is directed.

      In order to bewitch a person, a communication channel is always created through which the will of the one who conjures is transmitted. It can happen like this:

      • Through photography. A paper photograph is more preferable for magical rituals than an image on a display. If the photo is on your phone, it's best to extract it and print it out first.
      • Through food. Usually a drink or a treat is slandered, which is then treated to a person who needs to bewitch.
      • Hair. If you managed to get the hair of the girl you like, you can perform a magical ritual with him.
      • Decoration or other object. Previously subjected to magical processing, and then given to the sweetheart.

      Love spell on a photo

      In order to make it, you will need:

      • photo of a girl who is bewitched;
      • a photo card of a guy who is bewitched;
      • candle;
      • aromatic incense;

      After midnight, on the growing moon in a room without strangers, all corners are fumigated with incense, a lit candle is placed on the table. They take photographs, drip honey on the man’s lips and glue it with the girl’s photo so that the lips match the lips. Looking at the candle flame and holding the photos between the palms, they read the plot:

      • "Honey is sweet, honey is sticky, honey is desirable. My lips are sweet for (girl's name) pulls (girl's name) to me, only loves me, only wants me, she will come to me alone. As he said, so be it. Amen."

      The girl will be constantly drawn to the guy who performed the ritual, she will have a desire to kiss him, all that remains is to behave in such a way that she completely falls in love with him, to be affectionate, caring and helpful. A love spell from a photo is convenient in that it can be done at a distance, without contact with the sweetheart.

      Love spell on hair

      You can bewitch your beloved woman with the help of hair. This method is good if you managed to get at least a few hairs of your beloved. For the ceremony, you should take:

      • two candles;
      • beloved hair;
      • two candlesticks;

      They put candlesticks with candles in front of them, on the candles they write the names of their own and the girls with something sharp. A candle with the name of the girl is placed on the left hand, and her own candle is placed on the right. Light the left candle first, then the right. Holding a hair in your hand, you should recall the image of your beloved in your memory and tune in to her as much as possible. When the candles burn out by a third, they take a drop of dripping wax from the left candle and read the plot:

      • "As a candle melts from fire, so it melts from the love of a slave (name of a girl) for a slave (name of a man), as long as the hair grows on a slave (name of a girl), she will love me day and night, now and forever. Word. Deed "Key. Lock. Amen. Amen. Amen."

      A lump of wax with a hair rolled into it is now a love amulet. It should be carried with you. You can put it in the wallet compartment, so as not to lose it, wrap it in paper. It is allowed to carry this lump in your pocket or in an amulet around your neck. If the girl is tired, the love spell can be removed by throwing wax with hair into the fire with the words:

      • "I let go with flammable fire, volatile smoke, fly. Amen."

      After that, the girl will be completely free from the feelings that have washed over her.

      They do another love spell on the hair. They take three sufficiently long hairs and pull out five of their own hairs. Hair intertwined with each other with the words:

      • "Hair to hair, body to body, soul to soul. As the hair intertwined, so intertwined and (the names of the man and woman), whose hair is more, he is the main one in the family. That is strength, that is worship, that is obedience. Amen."

      This hair is kept at home in a secluded place. The girl will be obedient to her partner, but the guy, albeit to a lesser extent, will be attracted to this girl. If you want to break the spell, it will be enough just to burn all the hairs without any additional words. A love spell with hair is considered very strong.

The most complete description in all details - how to make a strong love spell on a girl at home, read with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

For love spells, both black and white magic are used. You can understand what forces a magical rite calls for help from a spell. For those who encounter rituals for the first time, it is better to try yourself in white love spells that are carried out at home. They are also effective and give the relationship between two people a great chance to build a joint future.

Rites for a love spell can be used not only for a young man, but also for a girl. The result and effectiveness will depend only on the strength of the desire to be together and faith in one's own strengths. For rituals performed at home, you can use the ingredients that are always at hand. All manipulations must be kept confidential. They are made all alone.

Threshold for a love spell

Pretty simple spell at home. In order to bewitch, you need an ordinary broom, but not a new one. Two branches are taken out of it. Holding them in their hands, they mentally evoke the image of a loved one or girl, concentrating all their attention. Thoughts and feelings should only be positive. Read the prayer "Our Father" three times. After each reading, the name of the beloved is pronounced.

The spell is done after sunset. By midnight, the branches are taken to the threshold of a loved one, folded crosswise around him. The main condition is that the desired object must necessarily cross over them. And in order to bewitch as quickly and effectively as possible, you need to catch the eye of your loved one as often as possible, after the love spell has been made.

White magic for a love spell on liquid

A love spell at home can be done on a drink and offered to a desired object. Ideally, the plot is best done with warm milk. If this is not possible, you can bewitch with warm tea or water. The main condition is that there should be no alcohol in the drink.

Before serving a drink to a loved one, the following is whispered to him:

“Oh Lord Jesus Christ, help the servant of God (your name). Give, Lord, the power to inspire the servant of God (say his name) love. Just as a baby cannot be without mother's milk, so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved) could not live without the servant of God (his name), so that he could neither sleep, nor drink, nor eat while I was not next to him. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen."

Words are read with maximum positive energy. The rite can be performed for three consecutive evenings, but once is enough. The ritual is perfect for bringing harmony into a relationship. It can be used by people who are already in a relationship.

How to induce sadness?

Love anguish can be compared to real torture. When a person yearns, the white light is not nice to him. It is no secret that many girls try to use conspiracies in a love spell specifically for love longing and feelings. A love spell at home to call longing can be done by applying a simple plot.

To do this, before going to bed, they look out the open window and quietly say:

“Servant of God (say the name of your beloved), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold along my tracks. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

The most powerful spells

Experienced magicians and healers make one of the most powerful love spells on the personal belongings of the object of desire or take his hair, blood, and nails for rituals. It is possible to bewitch by the power of the action of such rites. But the inexperience of an amateur magician and the mistakes made during the ritual can lead to sad consequences.

Often the victims of wrong love spells lose themselves. They completely change, become uninteresting, weak-willed, they lack an elementary craving for life. Removing such a love spell is also not easy. Therefore, having no experience, it is better not to do such things on your own.

A strong love spell at home can be done on the hair of a beloved young man or girl. It is better, of course, that it be a whole strand.

  • The hair of the desired object is associated with one's own.
  • In the process, I read the words of the conspiracy:

“I knit a knot, I will tie you with me, the knot will tighten, love will play out. I knit a knot, I will bind the servant of God (the name of the beloved) with me forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • A knot of hair is placed on top of a joint photo with a loved one. If not, you can put it between two separate photographs: yours and the object of love.
  • Photos and a bundle are hidden in a safe place. A loved one or girl should never discover it.

Love spell on a photo

A love spell at home from a photograph can rightfully be considered one of the most powerful rituals. To complete it, you need a single photo (mandatory condition) of a young man or girl, a church candle.

  • The photo is placed face down.
  • A candle is lit and driven over the picture so that wax drips onto it.
  • During this they say the following:

“The servant of God (your name) yearns for a friend, so let her servant of God (Name of the beloved) also care. Let love inflame in his heart, like wax in the soul of bliss spreads. What is said will come true, Amen.”

  • After the ceremony, the photo is burned. The remaining ashes are scattered in the wind. The last action is desirable to do at the crossroads. If this is not possible, the ashes are scattered through an open window. From the photo you can not only greatly bewitch, but also remove the love spell.

Ritual for mutual love

At home, you can both remove and make a strong enough love spell. You can bewitch only good quality photos, with clear facial features, especially eyes. The object of love must be on it all alone.

Exactly at midnight, a glass of water is placed next to the picture. Look directly into the eyes of the person depicted in the picture, and read the following text:

“I bind the heart and soul of the servant of God (name) forever and ever to me alone, the servant of God (name). Amen!".

Candles for the ceremony

Church candles are very effective not only in removing conspiracies, but also in drying. A strong love spell for a guy at home can be done just using church candles.

  • The ceremony is held at midnight. To do this, take two church candles.
  • They are tied with a white thread. Read the spoken words:

“As these two candles are connected, so the servant of God (name) the servant of God (name) will be attached to me forever. My word is law. Amen!".

  • The words of the ritual are repeated seven times in a row. The ritual is performed for three consecutive evenings.

It is believed that repetitions help to consolidate the result and increase the duration of the rite.

In custody

In each rite of magic, whether it is the removal of a love spell or a drying, there are nuances. In order for the ritual to be effective, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • The best time for love spells is the waxing moon. Feelings grow and get stronger. (It is better to shoot a love spell on a waning moon);
  • hair during a love spell should be loose, the energy moves freely;
  • there must be at least some contact with the desired object. If separation has occurred, then no more than a year should pass from that time.

Knowing how to remove and make a love spell at home, you can maintain relationships in perfect harmony and insure yourself from ill-wishers.

A love spell on a girl's love that will definitely work: we read at home

In modern society, men are still perceived as earners. It is believed that "running" for girls below manhood and long courtship is a delay in the inevitable rejection. However, such an approach is destructive from all sides, because true love is given to a person to experience only once. That is why, if you are sure that this or that woman is your soul mate, it is important to do everything possible to achieve her, even a love spell that will definitely work.

The choice of bouquets, the difficulty in choosing topics for conversation during a date, the painful attempts to consider the presence of sympathy in the eyes - all this is sheer nonsense. The real problems begin when the girl completely refuses to reciprocate, explaining this with a thousand reasons, to figure out the truth among which is not an occupation for the faint of heart.

There are cases when such difficulties can be solved by a reassessment of values ​​​​and a revision of the line of behavior. If you understand that a potential partner is not satisfied in a particular relationship, and eliminate these shortcomings, then the situation will resolve itself. But alas, this method does not always work, and rational thinking fails. It is replaced by non-standard solutions, and with them magic.

Carrying out magical rites is a rather specific process. It requires not only certain knowledge and willpower, but also the presence of innate abilities. Such a love spell on a girl can be read at home, without turning to magicians and sorcerers for help.

How to make a love spell on a girl that will definitely work?

Men who do not have much practice in magical matters should turn to conspiracies and village magic, which does not require anything from the practitioner except awareness. It is considered the least strong, soft and relatively safe. The most popular love spell on a girl - according to the photo. For him, any corresponding conspiracy is taken, which is read out exactly 4 times to all cardinal points. At the same time, you need to hold a photograph of your beloved in your hands, turning counterclockwise with it.

In general, any love spells on things are very effective. They will definitely work quickly and efficiently, only if the item taken was really important for the girl. Exactly the same principle of love spell works with conspiracies on hair and favorite treats - they are all common and well-known.

Turning to magic, it is important to know: the situation can turn against the fortune-teller. Being interested in the consequences of love spells, one can find cases when the “victims”, complete with the obsession with a specific person, received a whole bunch of illnesses and personal troubles. If the basic rules are violated, the consequences can be very different.

Ensuring the safety of both parties is an important part of preparing for any of the above rituals. As you take care of yourself and your loved one, remember:

  • you can not resort to "black" magic. Recognizing her is very simple: in such conspiracies, we are talking about the death or withering of a girl in the event of a break in relations (“she dies, withers, dries up” - and stuff like that);
  • you should not resort to love spells, whose action should be carried out in a cemetery. The resting place of the dead has a very strong energy field, but it cannot be called clean

Two texts of powerful love spells of a girl

You will need 9 church thin candles and a photograph of your beloved. Before dawn, a circle is made of candles, then the candles are lit and a photograph is placed face up in the center. They step on the photo with their right heel and say the plot three times:

“As my heel presses you hard, so let you be drawn to me. It is gratifying with me, it is hard without me. Sim words lock, and the key - the fish in the mouth. Amen".

The ceremony is held 3 nights in a row.

Looking into your eyes

Midnight ritual. A man picks up a photo of his beloved, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the love spell 7 times:

“As I love you, God's servant (girl's name), so you cannot do without me, God's servant (your name). So be it. My words are law. Amen".

After the conspiracy, the picture must be hidden in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

  1. Rites performed by men should be performed during the day. The ideal time is just before sunset. The place for this should be chosen appropriately. Of the criteria for it: privacy, silence and the presence of open space. Magic, as an extremely thin matter, does not accept unnecessary witnesses.
  2. You can tell fortunes only on certain days of the week. For men it is Tuesday, Monday and Thursday.
  3. When uttering a spell, repetition will not be superfluous. Duplication of own words is akin to glue - the more it is, the more correct the result. At the same time, reading the text on a piece of paper is the last thing. Words must be learned by heart.
  4. A man who resorts to a love spell should look good. We are talking about clean clothes, a clean body and clean thoughts. In a person, everything should be harmonious and holistic.
  5. And the last thing that should never be forgotten: do not start conjuring without learning how to defend yourself. Find ways to back off (if there are any), learn how to block and recognize danger. This is the only way to save both yourself and your loved one from possible difficulties.

Reading such love spells at home, you must understand that you are taking on a huge responsibility. If everything works out, then it will be impossible to turn the dry.

Taking into account all the above methods, it must be said: no divination guarantees the successful development of interpersonal relationships. A love spell causes a person to have a powerful attraction to the initiator, but does not change his character, habits or behavior. Mutual understanding will have to be achieved in the simplest, universal ways. All in your hands!

A few words about the love spells of girls from a famous parapsychologist:

Love spell for a girl or woman

How to get a girl's attention? Beloved, the only, the most wonderful, the one you dream of? Especially if she doesn't want to see you?

Or, even worse, treats him like a friend? Passion sometimes comes out of hatred, but making a beloved out of a friend is much more difficult.

And then many guys wonder how to bewitch a girl? This is quite unusual, men rarely resort to divination or witchcraft at the behest of their hearts, but what can you not do for love?

A love spell on a girl's love is a delicate process, here you need to be careful and follow some rules. Firstly, all magical actions in order to get your beloved must be taken on Friday - the so-called "Venus Day". The strongest love spell of a girl is Friday.

Do not confuse love with sex - formulate your desires accurately and choose the appropriate rite - otherwise problems cannot be avoided! When making a love spell on a girl from a photo, select a picture in which she is captured alone, without her friends - also in order to avoid unexpected and not always pleasant consequences.

You need to read the words provided for this or that type of love spell quietly, but firmly and confidently, concentrating your thoughts on the girl, imagining a situation in which the goal of the love spell has been achieved. It is better to learn words by heart, and practice reading them.

A love spell on a girl's love is an extreme measure, a way for a desperate guy.

If you can approach her and talk to her (a psychologist helps some people gain self-confidence) - half the battle is already done. If you have something to talk about - consider that you are already ready to conquer a girl's heart. It is not so important for girls how a fan looks, men take it with their charm, brutality, inner strength and confidence, which psychologists around the world do not get tired of repeating. This is especially important in our progressive age, when the image of a refined, effeminate youth has replaced the harsh macho. At the same time, women's need for protection has not gone away.

In any case, if a person is nothing and cannot even talk to a girl he likes, a love spell will not help. She will not be able to leave, but there will be no happiness in this. Being close to a hated person whom you cannot leave is the worst punishment. Think about it, are you ready to condemn your beloved to this? And is it love?

How to make a love spell on a girl is a rare request in a search engine, but folk wisdom in matters of love spells also took care of the guys. There are many ways to perform such a ceremony, and you just need to choose the one that suits you - based on the availability of the necessary items, the compliance of the method with your moral and aesthetic principles, and other criteria.

A love spell of a girl from a photo is a very common way of getting love in the modern world. Social networks and a color printer will help you in this matter. Before dawn, put nine candles in a circle, light them clockwise and place a photograph of your beloved in the center of the circle.

With the right heel, you need to step on the girl's face, and at the same time read the words of the love spell three times.

By conducting such a ritual for three nights in a row, you can achieve a significant relationship with a girl - in every sense. The love spell of a girl from the photo is an easy, so-called "white" love spell.

If you see a girl often enough and know her personally, you can try to make a love spell on her hair. To do this, you need the girl's hair, your hair and a wax candle. At midnight, mix your hair together (this should be done in silence and solitude, by candlelight). Fill them with wax, roll into a ball, and continue pouring wax until the hair is completely hidden by it. At the same time, read the words of the love spell continuously.

Wear the ball for a day next to the body, and then throw it into the fire, imagining how the smoke blowing into the sky conveys your feelings to your loved one. If the love spell was successful - you yourself will understand this by the changed behavior of the object.

In the end, you can just buy cream buns (or open cakes), add your sperm to cream or icing, read the plot and treat your girlfriend - the result is guaranteed!

Experts in the field of esotericism argue about the method of adding sperm - to collect it beforehand and then add it, or to ejaculate directly on the confection. It's a matter of taste, but taste shouldn't be a problem. If a girl finds out about your extravagant display of tenderness, the love spell will not work. And you will gain a reputation as a pervert.

Any love spell (including on a girl) is evil, and its consequences are always deplorable. There is no division into black and white love spells - it is conditional, but responsibility cannot be avoided. White spells are those spells that have a weaker effect on the victim, but they also do not hit the spellcaster as powerfully as black ones. Love spells with any biomaterials are definitely black, they greatly suppress the will of a person, it is difficult to fight them, and, therefore, the retribution for using this method to attract a loved one will be quick and disproportionate.

Negative consequences arise for all sides of the love spell - even if the man was afraid to read the terrible words himself and ordered a love spell to the magician.

Such a coward responds as a "spell orderer" and may lose sleep, acquire alcohol, drug, toxic addiction, and chronic depression. Depending on the method of love spell, it can turn into nightmares, loss of appetite, various health problems for the customer and the performer in one person and the victim.

Think a thousand times - is the game worth the candle? Isn't it better to try to earn true love, and not be content with a "surrogate" of feelings?

How can you really make a love spell on a girl's love

In this article, we will talk about love and magic, about whether it is possible to make an independent love spell for the girl you like, and what the consequences of such an act can be for you and the woman you need.

How to make a love spell on a girl’s love on your own, and what do you need to know and be able to do for this?

You should not treat love witchcraft as an exclusively female occupation. Women do not have a monopoly on magic and the occult sciences, and therefore we will talk about a love spell for a girl's love. How to make a young girl or a married woman not be proud, but run after you, forgetting about pride, social prejudice and prejudice? How to make her not sleep at night, so that she does not find a place for herself, and in her thoughts so that she only holds you - a man who loves her?

How to make a love spell for a woman yourself - read, learn, practice.

And get results! I see you want to know. Yes, this is understandable. Strong love can only be compared with a chemical burn - the pain is unbearable. But it's sweet pain. This feeling cannot be confused with anything, it is special. Moreover, unrequited love is a real torture. However, with the help of a strong love spell on the love of your girlfriend, everything can be turned in your direction. About the magic of love and black witchcraft, about the art of bewitching a woman on your own with instant results, and about the possible consequences, I will tell you now. How you apply this information is up to you. This is your business and your responsibility.

A man can be a very strong magician, this is facilitated by the quality of male energy. The solution of your love tasks can be entrusted to a magical love spell for a girl's love, which can be done at home, because this is the whole point of love witchcraft - the satisfaction of carnal desires, the realization of erotic fantasies, no matter how far they go. Energy love spell, or the so-called. dry on the love of a girl, can be taken at a distance from a photograph. Will you succeed in home magic? No one will give you a guarantee, but everything is in your hands, and this gives hope.

Is it possible to make an independent love spell to attract the love of a girl?

When you make a home love spell for a girl's love, determination will play a role. And also your faith in the expediency and correctness of what you are doing. You are doing your own will, and therefore must be convinced of your own rightness. And stand firm on that, faith is our everything. Some, along with love spells and magical rites to harmonize relationships, try to independently make a strong love spell for a woman at a distance through the cemetery land, or with the help of demonic Force. I am skeptical about such magical rituals made by men who begin to conjure, because not everything that an experienced magician is capable of is available to a beginner. And, since the topic of our conversation is an independent love spell of a girl from a photo that cannot be removed, I am ready to tell you how to cope with this task.

And on which moon to make love spells for a beautiful girl from a photo?

It is generally accepted (and many practitioners of love magic are of this opinion) that effective love spells for a lover should be done on the growing moon, or on a full moon, since the real love spell of a girl’s love is constructive, and is aimed at getting the object of what the created binding can actually give him . However, strong ways to bewitch a woman fit wonderfully on both the growing and the waning moon, only in different ways.

If the purpose of a home love spell on an ex-girlfriend is to evoke love, attraction, a strong sensual attachment, then the rite should be done on the growing moon. During this period, the energy of the night star is such that it contributes to the harmonization of relations, a strong but gentle influence. If the goal of a real magician is

- then the magic love spell works to suppress the woman, and, accordingly, is done on the waning moon. So, when to bewitch, decide for yourself, it all depends on your goal.

Will love spells to harmonize relationships affect a girl's feelings?

My task is to show you a way to effectively bewitch your wife, which you can do yourself, which can be read from a distance. I'll start with a simple one - a home plot for a girl's love binding using her photo. Put on clean socks and put a photo of the girl you need in the right sock under the heel. Standing up and transferring all your weight to your right leg, read the text of the home love spell conspiracy for the girl’s love three times:

“As my body crushes you (name), so love for me (your name) squeezes you, squeezes, humbles you. As it is hard for your face under my heel, so it will be hard for your heart without me. Amen".

Do not remove the photo from the sock. If you go with it all day, the effect will be stronger. The witchcraft rite to attract the love of a girl to a guy works on the personal strength of a man, and therefore a ransom is not needed. Remember, you need to not just read the words of the plot from the photo for the girl’s love, but while pronouncing the text, imagine the specific situation and certain experiences of the beloved girl you are attracting. Visualization is generated by your mental energy, you throw a bridge from yourself to her, give an installation, an order that she cannot disobey.

A short note. This independent love spell on the feelings of a girl from a photo can work as a challenge, you can also use this love plot as a weakening of a woman before a stronger impact. In this case, it must be repeated for several days in a row on the waning moon. If you don’t want to “bomb” the aura of your beloved woman with strong love spells of black magic, but dream of attracting her attention to yourself, then you can try to correct her behavior with love spells, and use this strong wife’s love plot as a way to quickly bewitch.

Here is an example of a simple love spell for a woman's love at home

Here is another version of a safe love spell on a girl from a photograph, which you can read on your own. For the success of this venture, you need your personal strength and self-confidence, and sincere, truly bright love. Whatever you do, be sure of yourself, a timid, indecisive person, one whose love is unsteady, will not stand, will not go through the path of a magician, since the path is connected with constant work on oneself.

But, back to the male love spell of a girl without consequences for the photo for the performer and the girl. I will not say that this rite is too energy-consuming. Some manage to work without the experience of black magic, and nothing, they survive. True, there are undesirable consequences, we will talk about this a little later.

This version of the exact love spell for a woman should be done on the full moon.

Wait until midnight, stand up so as to see the shining moon disk, put a photo of your lover under your right heel and, looking at the moon, read the love spell 7 times:

“As your face is with me, under my heel, so you (name) live with me (your name) for a century, suffer for me, grieve, suffer, toil, be under me, love me. Word and deed. My tongue is a lock and a key."

After a white love spell on a girl's love at a distance, the photo should be removed. You can still work with it in the future if necessary.

How quickly will the effect of a white love spell on your girlfriend at home?

By itself, this love spell on a girl from a photo, made on her own, at home (experts of love magic usually call such energy effects prisushki), good, working. And it can give an excellent result, but let's remember that love witchcraft consists of a million nuances! It all depends on the situation, on your strength and the strength of the object on which the effect of the love spell on your beloved girl is carried out.

What does it mean, the power of the victim? I think you yourself understand that it is much more difficult to entangle, tie a strong-willed person with a diamond rod inside than a soft, driven woman? A strong person has huge vital resources, and can successfully resist your influence.

If your beloved is strong and stubborn, you will have to read this sexy love spell of a girl from a photo on your own every lunar cycle until you get the desired behavior from her. And even a strong love spell of a woman will be needed by the methods of black magic. You do not need to do such work yourself, the best option is to seek help from a practicing magician.

What can prevent a guy from succeeding in a love spell for a woman from a photo?

I recommend to remember that there are forces that exceed the strength of your desire. Not any strong love spell on a photo of a woman will give a positive result. Your mistress can be protected from other people's influences by magical protections established by your own, or by a practicing magician. Professional magical defenses are strong, keep that in mind. At best, your home love spell on the love of an ex-girlfriend simply will not work, at worst, you will get a return in the form in which it can manifest itself in your life. Reverse action (backflow) can be compared with such concepts as a vendetta or a reward - it all depends on how the world reacts to your act. But, since I spoke about the failure of a home love spell for the right woman, then you probably won’t have to wait for a reward.

Before doing a love spell on a photo of a girl yourself

Many people have ancestral protection, or some other kind of magical shield that gives a person strength. Is it possible to break or weaken magical protection? In theory, everything is possible. But, here, in practice ... Only those who do not realize what they are facing can enter into a duel with magical powers. Blessed is the ignorant. A professional magician who gives an account of his every act and word will not go against the Forces, because the risks are great. And, perhaps, that, and mortally dangerous business.

What to do before a girl's home love spell that cannot be removed?

Professional magicians will never make a real love spell without magical diagnostics. Diagnosis of the situation is done in a magical way that is closer to the practicing sorcerer, that is, to which he is accustomed, and there are good developments. Tarot cards, Lenormand and other oracles, runes, wax castings, etc. Any of these methods can show before an effective love spell whether a woman has protection and how strong it is.

If you are doing an independent love spell of a rich woman, you are certainly interested in the result. Otherwise, there is no reason to do so. Therefore, find out if the victim has witchcraft protections, and try to remove them. Witchcraft protection is removed by purges, or magical rites to weaken the object of a love spell for eternal love. Keep in mind, this is not an easy task, it is difficult to remove good protection, especially without experience.

After all, a man in love from a tiger, at times, turns into a timid kitten.

And all why? Seeing a face dear to the heart, a person instantly loses self-confidence, cannot connect two words. Where can you shine with wit! So, of course, not before winning the heart of a beauty.

So what to do in such a situation. How to turn the case in your favor in order to attract attention and free yourself from strange stiffness?

Call on magic to help. That is, use a double-edged ancient sword that solves many problems with a swoop.

What is it about? Let's figure it out.

A love spell on a girl's love from a photo: how to make

Surely, you have heard a lot about the negative consequences of using love magic, especially those that cannot be removed. This opinion is based on quite serious grounds.

This happens when a person goes against fate under the pressure of simple whims, and more often ambitions. That is, the answer comes not for the use of a love spell, but for selfishness and selfishness. For the fact that the person succumbed to his ego, without considering what the consequences of the act would be.

But you can use this ancient tool in a completely different way.

If the intentions are based on happiness for two, then why not try to push the woman towards joy and love.

You can use a photo of a girl for this. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the forces invoked will act not only on the victim, but on both.

It turns out that a person performing a love spell gives himself into the power of energies that are not subject to him. He calls them and asks them to fulfill their wish. How to do it right, they decide for themselves.

If you are able to surrender to the power of Magic, then let's figure out how to make a love spell for a girl from a photo. What to do, what to think, what to feel, so that the result is only positive.

It is important to set up correctly for the photo ritual

It is not recommended to start the ritual of a love spell for a girl from a photo without preparation. As simple as having dinner, only a strong magician can do it.

Yes, and in order to learn how to bewitch, and even more so in photography, he has to study and practice for many years.

If you are not one of the few chosen ones (who are destined to master magic), then you need to prepare a little.

Do not think that without practice and ability you are doomed to failure. This is not at all necessary. The call of forces from the soul and from the heart will surely evoke a response.

So, the preparation should be as follows. You need to tune in to the wave of mutual love. That is, remove all negativity, doubts, worries, fears, and so on from thoughts.

This is extremely important! After all, love "helpers" perceive all your thoughts at once.

Imagine a query like this:

“I want her to love me, but what if it doesn’t work out, what if I don’t suit her too much, maybe I’m not courageous enough ....”

At the same time, the monologue is not perceived sequentially, but simultaneously. What should the "genie" you are referring to do?

To inspire a girl with love, dislike, indifference, doubt and more, what comes from your doubts?

In the order for love, one thought should prevail, backed up by the corresponding feelings. That is, joy, the desire to prolong the race (even if it does not occur to you yet).

Don't be afraid. Having children is the most natural result of love. In any case, for magical assistants.

Now about the practice of casting a love spell on a girl from a photo. In order to hypothetically increase the likelihood of a correct spell, it is necessary from the very morning of the day when you perform the ritual to clear your thoughts.

All day rest in the firm belief that tomorrow all your dreams will come true. If a girl shows you obvious indifference, then it is advisable not to see her that day. Let him get bored.

And further. Do not overeat, do not drink alcohol, do not swear (especially obscenities). Try to go through the day without ever having a hint of aggression either in thoughts or in feelings. Happened? So you are ready.

Below are two spelling rituals for a girl from a photo that will work for your dream with an object and with you. That is, the forces will bind you into a single whole (if possible), changing both.

The process itself is carried out in any. All love binding rituals should be performed at this time.

The disc grows - a feeling arrives. That's the rule.

And the spell is done at home.

After midnight, sit comfortably in a chair or chair.

  1. Place a photo of the girl in front of you so that it is convenient to admire it.
  2. Take a burning candle so that you look at the face of your beloved through the light.
  3. Read the plot seven times, carefully looking at the photo and at the fire at the same time (you will have to learn by heart so as not to stray):

“Hot and ardent fire burns! Longing for Slave (name) evokes! Her heart melts like golden wax! Let the slave (your name) into your thoughts! As there is no fire without a wick! So do not live Raba (name) without me! How soft is the wax from the flame of a candle, so without the Slave (name) the Slave (name) has no urine! The heart groans, the soul yearns! Slave (name) understands why her life is not good! Flowers do not bloom without the heat of the sun! Dry Rabe (name) without affection and the body of the Slave (your name)! Amen!"

Try to meet the object of love spell in the morning, before the energy begins to dissolve. Usually, this is enough to attract her favor.

If you didn’t manage to see each other, then you will have to repeat the ritual on the second day (do not forget the rules of preparation).

Strong love spell on the photo: dungeon

The following magical ritual was invented by our ancestors. In order for the girl not to turn away from her happiness, they used an onion!

Please note that the described procedure will affect both her and you, and is a very powerful ritual. That is, ideally, it is designed to make both of you languish in passion.

An inexplicable desire, reminiscent of thirst, will press on the girl. She can satisfy her only in your company.

So. We take:

  • a large onion;
  • black candle;
  • a photograph of a girl;
  • mint leaves (parsley, basil, one or all, it doesn't matter).

Exactly at midnight, you need to singe the corners of the photo in the light of a black candle. At the same time, they say four times (for each corner):

“The dungeon is open, the girl is ready! Sit, be wiser, call my dear! As soon as you open your heart, I will come to the dungeon porch!

Cut the onion in half. In the middle, place a singed photo of a girl and grass. Fasten the halves with wax and put in a safe place (in the air).

Try to hide it so that no one sees your creation.

You can disassemble and throw out the structure when the relationship improves. You will feel the effect for yourself. If the level of your "languor" increases, know that the same thing happens to her.

Now do not miss the chance, be active and fix the effect of the love spell on the girl from the photo!

It is widely believed that all kinds of love spells are truly feminine occupations. Meanwhile, among men, there are quite often those who are not averse to sometimes using magical rites to achieve their goals.

Most often, the representatives of the stronger sex turn to the love spell of their favorite girls from the photo. They can resort to this method of influencing the mind and heart of a girl for certain reasons.

The most popular reasons for a love spell for a girl are:

  • unrequited love, causing a desire to achieve the location of the beloved, to change her anger to mercy;
  • parting with a girl and, as a result, a desire to return a former lover or wife.

Today I will tell you the most popular and effective ways to love girls from photographs and what they can be.

One of the most popular love spells for a girl is a magical rite using a photo of her beloved. There are quite a few varieties of this type of divination. However, among them there are some of the simplest, but no less effective ways that beginners can handle (after all, hardly any of the young people can boast of great experience in turning to a love spell, unless he is a professional magician).

The performance of any love ritual, both with or without a photograph, requires compliance with certain conditions, without which you should not count on a positive outcome of a love spell.

Moreover, an incorrectly performed rite can result in negative consequences for both the bewitcher and the bewitched. For a love spell to be effective, no need:

  • To resort to rituals out of curiosity, if there is no confidence in their feelings to the victim of the spell.
  • Use black magic spells- they are dangerous and fraught with negativity, can lead to tragedy.
  • Make a spell if the desired girl loves another. A love spell may turn out to be ineffective, and it is unlikely that you will be able to build your happiness at the cost of the misfortune of other people.
  • Seduce a girl if more than a year has passed since the separation. A long period of separation significantly reduces the effectiveness of a love ritual.
  • Tell someone(even to the closest ones) about their intentions. Magic does not tolerate publicity.

The safest ways to bewitch your girlfriend are the methods of village magic and energy magic. They do not require any special knowledge, inventory and magical gifts.

Love rituals are best performed on the growing moon - its growth will lead to an increase in the feelings of the beloved. It is highly desirable to refrain from cemetery rites - one minor mistake can cause great trouble for both participants in the love spell.

After the love spell on your beloved girl is done, you should not be inactive and rely only on magic. It is necessary to try as often as possible to catch the eye of the desired girl, try to be with her in order to awaken her interest and feelings, to make her see herself as a potential betrothed.

Three ways to love a girl from a photo

Which photo to choose?

For a love spell on a girl from a photo, you need to choose a suitable photo. Criterias of choice:

  • high quality photography;
  • in the photo the girl is alone, without strangers;
  • only a printed photo will do;
  • the picture should be taken close-up (face or to the waist), while the eyes should be clearly visible;
  • the picture must be solid - magic does not tolerate cropped photos;
  • the image of the girl should be emotionally neutral (something like a photograph for documents);
  • The photo must be recent (no more than a year old).

Method one - by candlelight

You will need 9 church thin ones and a photograph of your beloved. Before dawn, a circle is made of candles, then the candles are lit and a photograph is placed face up in the center. They step on the photo with their right heel and the plot is read three times:

“As my heel presses you hard, so let you be drawn to me. It is gratifying with me, it is hard without me. Sim words lock, and the key - the fish in the mouth. Amen".

The ceremony is held 3 nights in a row.

Method two - look into the eyes

Midnight ritual. A man picks up a photo of his beloved, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the love spell 7 times:

“As I love you, God's servant (girl's name), so you cannot do without me, God's servant (your name). So be it. My words are law. Amen".

After the conspiracy, the picture must be hidden in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

Method three - at midnight

The ceremony takes place after midnight. A man needs to sit comfortably on a chair or armchair, put a photo of his beloved in front of him. Light a candle, look through its flame at the picture of the girl and read the plot 7 times, looking at the candle light and at the face of her beloved at the same time. It is better to memorize the plot so as not to get lost in the process of reading it:

“The flame is ardent and hot, it evokes longing for God's servant (girl's name). Like golden wax, her heart melts. Let the servant of God (your name) into your thoughts. As there is no fire without a wick, so you cannot live without me. As wax is soft from the fire of a candle, so you have no urine without me. The heart groans, the soul yearns. Slave (girl's name) understands why her life is not good. Flowers do not bloom without the warmth of the sun. Dry God's servant (girl's name) without the body and caress of God's servant (his name). Amen".

After the ritual, you must try to see the desired girl the next morning so that the conspiracy begins to take effect. If this does not work out, repeat the ceremony the next night.

Another strong way is discussed in the video:

The consequences of a love spell

It is necessary to bewitch your beloved girl from a photograph only in case of urgent need. A love spell is a magical effect that imposes an unplanned life scenario on its object, and therefore it is physically and emotionally difficult to endure.

The consequences of it can be different - illness, loss of appetite, vital interest, and so on. You need to think about this before performing the ritual and make the right decision.

More and more people resort to magical actions in order to solve their love problems, not realizing that with the help of magic they are unlikely to achieve what they want and, moreover, without consequences. A love spell, which is essentially a subjugation of the will of another person, an introduction into his energy field without his desire and consent, will not help make this person love you sincerely and with all his heart, but will only make a weak-willed puppet from a bewitched person who does not have his own opinion and desires. However, this fact stops few people: unfortunately, for most people who are trying to please their indefatigable egoism with the help of love spells, it doesn’t matter at all whether they will love them or not.

A love spell is a violence against the personality of another person and is always carried out for selfish purposes, therefore the consequences of love spells appear in all cases and quickly enough. Many sources write about the existence of white love spells, which, supposedly, can be performed without consequences. This is an outright lie: there were no white love spells, there never will be. Any love spell, even the weakest, is an element of black magic, and causes irreparable harm to the victim, therefore, punishment follows immediately and depends on the power of the ritual performed. Rites performed for so-called love, as a rule, are done against the will of a person, and the result of such an action is an unhappy life together between the victim and the performer.

The one on whom the love spell was made begins to change radically, to commit acts unusual for him, to be with the person who is hated by him, against his will. The victim loses not only himself - he loses his appearance, ceases to enjoy life, drowns in constant depression. Often, suicidal thoughts begin to visit the bewitched, which sometimes come true. As a result - the result: the performer ruined not only the life of the victim, but also his own, since living with a bewitched person is a living hell.

Possible consequences of love spells:

  • the emergence of hatred, instead of love, towards the performer on the part of the victim of the love spell;
  • chronic diseases, neurosis, psychosis, depression in the victim of a love spell. Suicidal attempts;
  • impotence of the bewitched or infertility of the bewitched;
  • due to the fact that the performer feeds the victim of a love spell with his energy, he may experience financial difficulties, failures in almost all matters, as well as health problems;
  • often, it is the children who have to pay for the deeds of their parents, who do not have a life, various chronic ailments appear, etc.

As mentioned above, the consequences are manifested the brighter, the more powerful the love spell was performed. The most terrible retribution awaits for those rituals where the biological material of the victim was used, and Voodoo love spells, as they are the most powerful and long-playing. Therefore, before you go for a love spell, think about whether you need such a life?